Attorney for Advance Directives in Long Island
Planning for Incapacity in New York
Although it may be difficult to discuss, planning for your own future is particularly important. All adults, including both the elderly and the young, should provide instructions for their healthcare should they become unable to give directions. Advance directives, including powers-of-attorney, living wills, and health care proxies, allow you to specify the type of care you would like to receive should you become severely incapacitated.
A Long Island estate planning attorney at Adler Law can assist you in establishing advance directives according to your wishes.
Durable General Powers-of-Attorney
Durable general powers-of-attorney provide an individual of your choice with the ability to make decisions about your property. The legal document gives the right to mortgage or sell your property without providing you with notice or having your approval. These powers to dispose of real or personal property are active during your lifetime, even if you become disabled or incompetent. You are able to select the specific matters you are providing power-of-attorney for, including real estate transactions, tax matters, and business operating transactions.
The Benefits of Living Wills
Living wills allow you to specify your preferences of end-of-life care should you no longer be able to express your wishes. These include specifications regarding cardiac resuscitation, mechanical respiration, artificial nutrition, blood transfusions, use of antibiotics and pain medication. Health care professionals are hesitant to discontinue life support if you do not have a living will with explicit instructions to do so, which is why having this plan in place is so important.
Understanding the Health Care Proxy Law
Under the New York Health Care Proxy Law, you can appoint another person, called the agent, to make decisions about your healthcare for you in the event that you are unable to do so for yourself. One of the benefits of the Health Care Proxy is that the agent can give directions as your medical condition changes. Another benefit of the document is that it allows you to give the agent as much or as little control as possible by giving them explicit instructions and controlling the decisions he or she is allowed to make on your behalf.
Would You Like to Establish Advanced Directives?
Certain aspects of estate planning are more sensitive than others, and we understand that creating Advance directives can be difficult. We care about our clients' needs and our attorneys personally handle each case rather than passing them off to paralegals or legal assistants.
With over 30 years of experience, Adler Law is well equipped to handle all of your estate planning needs. If you are seeking the services of a Long Island estate planning attorney to assist you, contact our firm today!